Wiki - SuggestedBOFs Suggested BOFs
BOFs You'd Like To See
- BoardGamesBOF (Barbie)
- FrameworksBOF (Jonathan Rockway (jrockway))
- MooseBOF (Stevan Little (stevan))
- BeerBOF (Yuval Kogman (nothingmuch))
- Something similar to the previous "Beers of the World" BOFs, perhaps? (Salve J. Nilsen (sjn))
- Might be difficult with the airline restrictions (Barbie)
- last time I bought beer after the security checkpoint. While expensive it did give my fellow YAPCers a taste. This time I'll try to pack it in checked in luggage.
- ActBOF for discussion between Act developers and users (Philippe Bruhat (BooK) & Éric Cholet (echo))
- 5.10BOF (David Landgren) We need to get two press releases sorted out for 5.10, one for the general public (IOW trade rags, PHBs and the like) and one for more hard-core Perl hackers (what's in, what's out, what's changed). It would be a tragedy for 5.10 to be released to general indifference in the computing world. We need hype and buzz. I volunteer to be secretary in a brain-storming session to get this done.
version 13 saved on 27/08/07 11:28 by David Landgren
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