
What's a hackathon

A hackathon is a moderated workshop with a specific topic where experienced users and newbies can get together and share experience, improve parts of the featured project or step through some project internals.

YAPC::Europe 2007 hackathons

The session will last about 3 hours and take place in a dedicated lab. The hackathon moderator will give a short introduction (approx. 30min) into the topic and then ... hack, hack, hack ...

Moderators should prepare some tasks/issues to work on. As the crowd probably consists of beginners and experienced project members, tasks for both user groups should be prepared and selected after the project introduction. The hackathon programm could also be discussed in advance at the project's mailing lists or web page, of course.

Here you can find the original Call for Hackathons

Copyright © 2003-2007 Verein 'Vienna.pm - Verein zur Förderung der Programmiersprache Perl'.
To contact the organisers send an email to vienna2007@yapceurope.org