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Sat. 25.08 Guertel Nightwalk X

Guertel Nightwalk is a sort of mini-festival, where most of the clubs and bars located in the "Stadtbahnbögen" and along the Gürtel put up free concerts etc.

Expect lots of live acts, and half of Vienna :-)

* Mon. 27.08: Preconference Meeting / Early Registration==

Mon. 27.08 Preconference Meeting / Registration

For people who arrive early (i.e. on Monday) there will be a Pre-Conference Meeting where you can also register (and get your goodie bag!). This event starts at 19:00 in a pub near the venue: Centimeter III

The Pub serves food and drinks. Beer is 3 Euro for half a liter ("Krügerl"), but you can also order a 3 or 5 liter
portable tap. Food is cheap and comes with "funny" names. You can get various breads by the centimeter, and stuff like a wheel barrow full of trash or the sword. They also have an menu in english.

version 11 saved on 22/08/07 20:30 by Thomas Klausner (‎domm‎)

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