By BinGOs from pound-perl.pm
Date: Wednesday, 29 August 2007 11:00
Duration: 180 minutes
Target audience: Any

POE is a framework for cooperative, event driven multitasking in Perl.

It lends itself to a mulitude of different applications and purposes including, but not limited to:

* networking servers and clients;
* network monitoring;
* integration with existing event loops such as Glib, Event, Gtk, Tk, etc;

A hackathon would be an opportunity for POE developers to: gather, discuss and exchange tips, tricks and best practises; work on long delayed POE related modules; provide advice and support to newer and novice POE users.

I unfortunately can't say at this point what kind of hacking will be done. I intend to poll Rocco Caputo and the other POE developers regarding possible things to be done. Also participents on the day would probably have their own ideas.

Regarding the short introduction, I intend to produce enough material to cover hopefully a diverse audience, which can be tailored on the day
given the attending persons.

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