Wiki - WLANSetupThe Simple WLAN: ESSID wuThe easiest way to get online is to use the ESSID wu After connecting, you'll be redirected to a login page, where you will have to provide your username and password. After some time you might need to authentificate again. SSH etc will work. Note: We've been informed that this WLAN is due to be turned off. But we don't know when. So it might be a good idea to prepare your laptop for the other WLAN (see below) The Complex (but more secure) WLAN: ESSID wu-dot1xThis WLAN uses the ESSID wu-dot1x. There are detailed (but german) instructions available here: There you can find instructions for various operating systems (if you don't speak german, ask some of the orgas for help, or try to navigate the windows by guessing :-) LinuxHere's a translation of the Linux instructions (centered on Debian/Ubuntu): PrerequisitesWe are all using Kernels $> 2.6.18$, so all further descriptions are based on those. Of course, you need the module that supports your WLAN-Card. You will also need these modules:
You can probably check if your WLAN Interface ist working, by typing this as % iwlist scan 2>&1>/dev/null & sleep 5 ; iwlist scan | grep 'wu-dot1x' You will also need the following packages installed:
% sudo apt-get install wpasupplicant wireless-tools ca-certificates Configuration of WPA-SupplicantIf you are using a recent Ubuntu and your laptop is well configured, just tell the Network Manager that you want to use WPA2 and your username is <username> and your password is <password>. Else, using Debian or some other linux, edit the file: /etc/wpa\_supplicant.conf ctrl_interface=/var/run/wpa_supplicant network={
# download:
} This should suffice. Start your connection with the following command: % sudo wpa_supplicant -w -c /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf -i eth1 -D wext -d wpa_cli should give you something like this if you were successful: % /sbin/wpa_cli status You should now be able to use the WLAN. version 4 saved on 22/08/07 21:38 by Thomas Klausner (domm) Home | Tags | Recent changes | History Copyright © 2003-2007 Verein ' - Verein zur Förderung der Programmiersprache Perl'. To contact the organisers send an email to Impressum |