Wiki - PlacesToEatAndDrink

Lunch / Dinner

  • Michl's Churrascaria - For those who enjoy Brasilian "Slow"-Food, near Stephansplatz in the 1st district.

Food 'n' Beer

  • Salmbräu - A typical brewery in vienna, with home-brewn beer and national dishes (very national)


  • There's an excellent sushi bar at the end of the Nachtmarket near the

Karlsplatz (if memory serves - I certainly know how to navigate there). They do a 12EUR all-you-can-eat deal and the dishes run around on a little two-storey conveyor belt. Washed down with a Sapporo or an Asahi or two and you're in heaven. I'll have the exact address with me when I come, so hook up with me at the conference if you're dying for sushi. -- David Landgren

version 4 saved on 23/08/07 19:43 by David Landgren

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