Wiki - BoardGamesBOF

R Geoffrey Avery (‎rGeoffrey‎) usually brings card games, such as Fluxx, but is there any interest in anyone playing a German style board game one evening during the conference? I can bring Carcassone (Hunters and Gatherers) and may well be buying a game or two while in Vienna.- Barbie

I'd be interested, but I don't know yet if I'll have time... Anyway, if you're into "german style" board games, check out Spielerei on Mariahilferstraße 88a, which is the best shop for such games in Vienna. - Thomas Klausner (‎domm‎)

I'm very interested. I could bring the original "Carcassonne" (with extensions) or "Bang!", a nice 7-player card game.- Darko Obradovic

I could bring ZugUmZug, more Caracassone and Siedler (and possibly others, depends on the luggage space!) Hmm, the Catan dicegame will certainly fit ;) - Jess Robinson (‎castaway‎)

I've got Carcassone (with several, but not all) extensions, a very interesting Lord of the Rings game (where all player play together against the game (aka Sauron), and some other games. Formally, they belong to my kids, but I think they won't object if I take them to the BOF. And it's of course far easier for me to bring some games, than for people not coming from Vienna.
Thomas Klausner (‎domm‎)

Oh, and there are also some pubs which rent out board games (for free). I'll try to get a list ...

Is this a good BOF to arrange for either Tuesday or Thursday night? Barbie

version 10 saved on 08/07/07 23:47 by Barbie

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