Far Beyond DBI - parsing SQL and running your own SQL servers

Far Beyond DBI - parsing SQL and running your own SQL servers

By Philip Stoev (‎Philip‎)
Date: Tuesday, 28 August 2007 11:25
Duration: 20 minutes
Target audience: Any

You can find more information on the speaker's site:

This talk will discuss three new Perl modules:

* DBIx::MyServer - server-side implementation of the MySQL protocol;
* DBIx::MyParse - parse SQL statements by calling MySQL's own parser;
* DBIx::MyServerPP - pure-perl SQL parser derived from MySQL's grammar and lexer;

Using those modules, one can write servers speaking the MySQL protocol that accept, rewrite, answer or forward SQL queries.

A fully-functional script is presented that makes any Perl data structure or DBI data source available to any MySQL client.

This way, any data can be delivered directly into any ODBC enabled application, or linked into a running MySQL server using the Federated database engine.

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