Describing classes with Ernst

Describing classes with Ernst

By Jonathan Rockway (‎jrockway‎) from
Date: Friday, 15 August 2008 10:40
Duration: 30 minutes
Tags: ernst metadescription moose

Ernst is a framework for describing Moose classes. In this talk, I'll show you what class descriptions are and how to use them to make building applications easier. We'll see how Ernst allows you to write a single class that can render itself as a web form (or REST-accessable object) and act as a DBIC row object, all without writing any code. We'll also see how to write Ernst interpreters, that adapt Ernst-described classes to your specific needs.

Attended by: Lars Balker (‎lb‎), Anton Berezin (‎Grrrr‎), Paul-Christophe Varoutas, Lars Thegler (‎tagg‎), Peter Makholm (‎brother‎), Darius Jokilehto, Salve J. Nilsen (‎sjn‎), Imran Chaudhry (‎icjs‎), Jason Armstrong, Leo Lapworth (‎ranguard‎), Adam Sjøgren (‎asjo‎), Thomas Klausner (‎domm‎), Erwan Lemonnier (‎R1‎), Nicholas Oxhøj (‎noxhoej‎), Stéphane Payrard (‎cognominal‎), Kaare Rasmussen, Troels Liebe Bentsen (‎tlbdk‎), Cecilie Fritzvold, allan juul, Michael Kröll (‎pepl‎), Søren Døygaard, Stan Sawa, Mads Gudmand-Høyer, Tobias Henoeckl (‎hoeni‎), Jörg Plate (‎Patterner‎), David Jack Wange Olrik (‎davidolrik‎), Mårten Svantesson, Jesse Vincent, Christian Westgaard (‎ComLock‎), Jozef Kutej (‎jozef‎), Jason Tang (‎jason‎), Stefan Hanski, Martin Schipany (‎ElCondor‎), Flavio Poletti (‎polettix‎), Christian Borup (‎borup‎), Andreas Hetey, Søren Lund (‎slu‎), Francoise Dehinbo (‎franky‎), Yusuke Kawasaki (‎kawanet‎), Dagfinn Ilmari Mannsåker (‎ilmari‎), Roel de Cock, Matija Grabnar (‎matija‎), Edmund von der Burg (‎evdb‎),